By Erick Mendoza
Many of you know Karlee, and her journey as a missionary since 2020, which is why you are probably getting this email. But today, I (Erick) will be sharing a little bit more about my service area and about myself.
June 2021
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone — especially to those in the family of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10
March 2021
“The truth is, these little moments that I have with each girl is something that I am so thankful for. Whenever we have a tough day (because we do), I can remember the little moments and know that those are what helps us. If each girl can go to bed knowing they are SO loved, that their voice MATTERS and they are so incredibly special in this life…then we did our job for the day.”
February 2021
“You see...there were times I didn't understand why I was put into the dorm when I was still just learning my spanish but in that moment I felt like God was telling me that everyone has gifts. Everyone has gifts and we are specifically chosen by Him to be where we are to use those gifts. So I focused on that. I focused on the fact that know, that true, unconditional, always, para siempre kind of love. That love has no language. “
December 2020
“When I was younger, my Nana was a huge part of my life. She taught me that there was no time than the present to tell others how much they mean to you and how they impact others lives. She would write letters to people like the grocery store cleark or my YMCA CEO (that she never met) because she saw all the good people were doing for this world. & most importantly - she never failed to end the conversation or letter signed mostest. My Nana wouldn’t sign it “love “ or “love you so much” but Mostest. Meaning I love you mostest. No matter the circumstance and she wouldn’t want you to forget it.”
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